Lol! Lasizwe Pulls a Hilarious Scholarship Prank on His Big Brother #scholarshipchallenge

Lol! Lasizwe Pulls a Hilarious Scholarship Prank on His Big Brother. We have seen so many hilarious challenges on social media, but this one here at the moment takes the cup. The Scholarship Challenge calls on Tiktok app users to record a short clip with their elders and provide a list of made-up reasons as to why they are their greatest source of inspiration.
More like the Influencer Challenge, social media users are encouraged to cook up elaborate lies about their elders to test how long they can keep a straight face while being recorded. Hilarious videos are trending all over, as elders are shocked over what they hear from the youngsters.
Lasizwe joined in on the fun and pranked his big brother Lungile Mcunu. Being all serous, Lasizwe sat down with Lungile, who he identified as his biggest inspiration. In his campaign for the R100k scholarship, the media personality and YouTube content creator said his brother is a hard worker who did a lot of jobs to help his struggling family. All hell broke loose, when Lasizwe stated that Lungile used to male prostitute himself just to put food on the table.
The recording had to be cut short because, Lungile was not going to take all those lies about him. Lasizwe has definitely put SA up there with one of the most hilarious Scholarship Challenges ever.
The two brothers are close, ad they both starred on Lasizwe Fake It Till You Make reality show. Lungile’s comments in one episode on the show about homosexuality rubbed people off the wrong way After being dragged online for sometime, Lasizwe took to Twitter to defend his brother against homophobic accusations.