Generations Teasers – May 2018

Generations Teasers – May 2018. Coming up on Generations this May 2018:
Tuesday 1 May 2018
Episode 112 (0892)
Mrekza feels bad about deceiving his woman. Getty changes her mind about practising as a sangoma. Namhla is terrified when she wakes up far from home.
Wednesday 2 May 2018
Episode 113 (0893)
Smanga is hopeful when he’s invited to a council dinner. Gadaffi hears his ex-wife sold him out. Brandon tells his mother the news she’s been dreading to hear.
Thursday 3 May 2018
Episode 114 (0894)
Lucy is suspicious when she walks in on a family conversation. Jack doesn’t like being put in his place by his protégé. The Captain increases the torture, is determined to make his prisoner talk.
Friday 4 May 2018
Episode 115 (0895)
Cosmo fears for Tshidi’s safety. Lesedi is hurt to hear her friendship is no longer wanted. Namhla caves when her family is threatened and reveals all.
Monday 7 May 2018
Episode 116 (0896)
The Diales are very secretive about the arrangements they’re making. Gadaffi decides murder is the best punishment for betrayal. Nandi wakes up from her coma.
Tuesday 8 May 2018
Episode 117 (0897)
Lucy is choked up with emotion when she has to say goodbye to her ‘baby’. The big secret is finally revealed at S’khaftin Chicken. Zoe is furious when Jack blackmails her.
Wednesday 9 May 2018
Episode 118 (0898)
Smanga is determined to go it alone. The siblings form an alliance to take down the enemy. Mrekza realizes his game is up.
Thursday 10 May 2018
Episode 119 (0899)
Gadaffi uses an opportunity to take photos of his ex’s diary. Lesedi turns the tables on Jason when he tries to humiliate her. Cosmo reaches out to his sister but she chases him away.
Friday 11 May 2018
Episode 120 (0900)
Mazwi refuses to join the alliance but is forced to change his mind. Lucy gets dumped. Jack is furious to hear what Michael is up to.
Monday 14 May 2018
Episode 121 (0901)
Tshidi is horrified when her rescuer gets stabbed. Mrekza decides it’s time to move on. Sphe puts her foot down, will not risk her mother’s recovery process.
Tuesday 15 May 2018
Episode 122 (0902)
Getty sees straight through her sister’s happy front. Jason’s threat prompts Lesedi to take action. The little green-eyed monster appears when Sphe fusses over Gadaffi.
Wednesday 16 May 2018
Episode 123 (0903)
Zondiwe urges her daughter not to sell out her principles. Cosmo is shocked to find Lucy in tears. The alliance plan their attack on Jack.
Thursday 17 May 2018
Episode 124 (0904)
Mrekza isn’t ready to forgive and forget. Zoe doesn’t trust Tshidi one little bit. Brandon pops the question.
Friday 18 May 2018
Episode 125 (0905)
Gadaffi continues to lure in his ex. Mazwi lies to further the aim of the alliance. Gog’Flo isn’t happy when Getty uses her kitchen as a waiting room.
Monday 21 May 2018
Episode 126 (0906)
Nandi is determined to take control of her life. Michael unknowingly sabotages the seduction scheme. Jack discovers his office has been bugged.
Tuesday 22 May 2018
Episode 127 (0907)
Lesedi thinks she might’ve found the perfect boyfriend. Lucy gets angry when her sister insults her man. Tshidi comes up with a new way to pull of the seduction.
Wednesday 23 May 2018
Episode 128 (0908)
Getty begs her ancestors to give her the answers she needs. Zoe isn’t happy to hear Brandon is dating. Gadaffi’s revenge plan is coming together nicely.
Thursday 24 May 2018
Episode 129 (0909)
Zondiwe’s not happy to hear her daughter’s big news. Mazwi manipulates the enemy like a pro. Michael hopes to turn the tables on the woman who tricked him.
Friday 25 May 2018
Episode 130 (0910)
Skhalo is not ready to forgive and forget. Jack is floored and furious by what he sees on the news. Jason proves just what a big jerk he is.
Monday 28 May 2018
Episode 131 (0911)
Tshidi is rattled about the strange text messages she receives. Will Brandon turn out to be the perfect boyfriend after all? Gadaffi is thrown when Detective Roberts shows up.
Tuesday 29 May 2018
Episode 132 (0912)
Michael falls off the wagon again. Jason can’t believe it when Lesedi stands up for him. Mazwi kisses his wife in a way he never has before.
Wednesday 30 May 2018
Episode 133 (0913)
Sphe wants to know what last night was about. Zoe almost has heart failure when she hears what her son is planning. Skhalo riles up the community against Getty.
Thursday 31 May 2018
Episode 134 (0914)
An unsavoury business meeting leads to a breakthrough for the alliance. Having hit rock bottom, Michael decides to end things once and for all. Lucy is shocked when the last person she expected comes knocking for help.
Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00