Pics! Check Out The Cars Motsoaledi Setumo Has Owned Over The Years
Pics! Check Out The Cars Motsoaledi Setumo Has Owned Over The Years. Your first car is a major step towards freedom and independence. No matter how may cars you get to drive afterwards, your first car will always hold some of the best memories you have had. Looking back at the ride you used to cruise the streets with back in the day also shows you how far you have come from as a person.
Motsoaledi Setumo recently took to Twitter to show her fans and followers the cars she used to own back in the day. The talented actress’ first car was a Yaris. Unfortunately it was a stolen car and the car was take n on the spot, one day when she was in Alexandra.
Motsoaledi was the given a Figo by the same garage where she bought the Yaris. A few months later her car was written off after a bad accident. She the got another car, a Ford Fiesta.