Phindile Gwala Bags A Cool Ambassadorship Gig

Phindile Gwala Bags A Cool Ambassadorship Gig. It goes without saying that big brands just love working with her. Over the years Phindile Gwala has worked with leading brands such as Ritchie Madza Empangeni, Clere Africa and Supavite.
The Imbewu actress has just clinched another endorsement deal. Phindile is the face of Indonsakusa Community Radio commonly known as ICORA FM. The community radio station based in Kwazulu Natal, and it is KZN’s biggest community radio station by coverage.
“Community radio stations are radio stations that give and share information mainly for the community and the people of South Africa as a whole. Let us give them all the support we can by showing them some love simply by tuning into any local radio station closed to you.
As for me, Icora FM @icorafm_ is my home. It’s a community radio station based in KZN and through their app you can listen to all their entertainment, news, interviews etc wherever you are,” Phindile said.