Ayanda Thabethe Fetched For Her Tweet About Being Privileged

Ayanda Thabethe Fetched For Her Tweet About Being Privileged. With the current state of affairs that the country finds itself in, the difference between the rich and the poor is going grow even bigger. Those who are rich will be able to stockpile, or go on getaways until the situation gets calmer. The less privileged on the other hand will have to wait on the government for food parcels, and hope that things go back to normal.
One individual who spoke about their privilege is Ayanda Thabethe. The TV personality, actress and model took to Twitter to share how she is escaping all the madness that is going on in the country. She and her significant other are off to their holiday home for some time. The tweet has since been deleted, but screenshots saved the day.
Tweeps were clearly not impressed with the fact that Ayanda shared such content. May felt that she was rubbing her privilege in their faces, of which is kind of insensitive.