10 Tips To Avoid Gaining Too Much Weight This Winter

10 Tips To Avoid Gaining Too Much Weight This Winter. Many of us gain weight in winter. This is because we eat comfort food, exercise less, consume less water among other reasons. Do not despair though, you can still have that summer body in winter if you follow the tips below.
1. Eat A High Protein Breakfast
Consuming a high protein breakfast can help improve appetite control, food intake, and body composition and may decrease snacking later in the day. In particular, breakfasts containing eggs may help enhance weight loss, as part of an energy-deficient diet, so get poaching.
2. Cook At Home
Rather than getting takeaway every night, focus on home cooking. This way you can see exactly what goes into your food, are able to make healthier choices, and control portion sizes. Prep breakfast the night before if you know you have an early start, make enough salad for lunch when cooking dinner, and have healthy snacks handy — such as raw fruit
3. Eat More Veggies
Increasing your veggie intake doesn’t have to mean eating a bowl of steamed broccoli for dinner. It’s about cooking a variety of veggies in different ways and combinations. Aim for half a plate of vegetables at each meal. Look up recipes on the internet to make veges more enticing and enjoyable to eat.
4. Conquer Overeating
One of the reasons we gain weight in the winter months is because we get warmth and comfort in food. We can’t get enough of great smelling and looking food like fries, fat cakes. Regrettably, all these treats expand our calorie bank over our boundary. Stick to healthy foods, and keep away from food when you are not hungry.
5. Stay Hydrated
Water is something we can forget about over the cooler months as we sweat and move less, but drinking enough water is just as important in winter as it is during summer. Drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water daily to help with metabolism and keeping appetite in check.
6. Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is loaded with calories. And since many winter get togethers involve drinking, it’s easy to take in a lot of calories without being aware that you are. Drink a glass of water or a diet soda before and after each alcoholic beverage to help pace yourself and to dilute calories.
7. Make Exercise Fun
Moving more is key to maintaining a healthy weight. Having mentioned that though, exercise doesn’t have to be endless hours sweating on the treadmill at the gym. You can do fun things like, from yoga, swimming, dance, martial arts, bootcamps and many more. Exercising with a friend is also a great strategy. Not only is it more fun, but you’re also less likely to make excuses when someone else is relying on you to turn up.
8. Combat Stress
Stress is counterproductive. Many people out there are stress eaters, and this makes them consume more calorie bombs. Also when we are under stress we tend to drink more alcohol. Stress just makes us feel terrible sorry for ourselves so we don’t want to get out of bed, thus resulting in no exercise. To fight winter weight gain we have to combat stress.
9. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is very crucial, more so if you are watching your weight. Not enough sleep just does weird things to your body. If you want to fight winter gain, you have to be on top of the game and sleep is one of the superpowers. What superhero ever wins a battle bleary-eyed?
10. Be Consistent
Although we wish otherwise, it’s unsustainable to vow to never indulge in treats or comforting junk foods all winter long, or to exercise seven days a week. Instead, be consistent with the above tips and treat yourself in moderation. Consistency is key. Be realistic with what you are doing and make sure it’s manageable and enjoyable.