This Is How Prince Kaybee Wishes The Public Should Have Reacted To His Cheating Scandal

This Is How Prince Kaybee Wishes The Public Should Have Reacted To His Cheating Scandal. A month ago, Prince Kaybee found himself the talk of town after his nudes were exposed on social media. His side chick Eurica, leaked screenshots and screen recordings of conversations and hook-ups between her and the DJ.
This eventually led to Prince Kaybee admitting that he cheated on his girlfriend and radio personality Zola Mhlongo.The thing is, instead of social media users dragging the multi award-winning DJ for cheating, they instead concentrated on his manhood. Ladies in particular praised Prince Kaybee saying he is a ‘gifted man. After a couple of days, Prince Kaybee took to social media to say that his nudes have actually been getting him deals and shows.
One other thing that Prince Kaybee is known for, is calling out those in the wrong. He doesn’t care how famous or how influential you are, he always says his opinion without fear or favor. One tweep has just asked Prince Kaybee if he isn’t scared how some people might act when he calls them out publicly. As expected he said he is not scared of anyone, and in turn doesn’t want people to be scared of him. Prince Kaybee also pointed out that he wishes people should have called him out on his cheating scandal instead of talking mostly about his manhood.

On the issue of taking sides on matters concerning kids, Prince Kaybee said he doesn’t recall any issue of kids being take advantage of that he hasn’t had an opinion on. This is true to his pinned tweet which reads, “Even when your voice is shaking, speak your mind, you are not here to serve fear!”