Ntsiki Mazwai Remembers Her Grandmother A Year After Her Passing
Ntsiki Mazwai Remembers Her Grandmother A Year After Her Passing. Grandmothers hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. Those who still have their grandmothers around are incredibly blessed. Sadly a lot of us, are only left with memories of such love. One of those people is Ntsiki Mazwai, who lost her grandmother a year ago.
From her social media posts, it goes without saying that the artist, poet and TV personality had a special relationship with her grandmother. Although Ntsiki often share heartwarming messages about her sisters and niece Malaika, her grandmother was clearly her favorite person. Ntsiki’s mother Belede Mazwai passed away years ago, which meant the grandmother had to step i to help raise her grand kids. Sadly in June, 2020 she passed away, leaving a gap that no soul could fill.
Ntsiki took to Twitter to share a heartfelt message in her remembrance. She regarded her granny as her soulmate, foundation, provider as well as her squad.
“On this day a year ago… I lost my soulmate my foundation, my provider, my squad…… Thank you for the best years we had together and thank you, this past year you have shown who is boss, Ntsiki said.