“I Kept Quiet For Too Long,” Pearl Modiadie On Her Sexual Harassment at Metro FM

“I Kept Quiet For Too Long,” Pearl Modiadie On Her Sexual Harassment at Metro FM. Sexual harassment is one of the worst monsters that anyone can go through. A lot of people have lost job as well as business opportunities because of being sexually harassed. Celebrities like Samkelo Ndlovu, Lorraine Moropa, Masasa Mbangeni and a whole lot more have opened up about their sexual harassment stories.
The latest celebrity to share her story is Pearl Modiadie. The media personality has revealed that she was sexually harassed while she was still at Metro FM. According to Sunday World, Modiadie, who was at the station for five years until early this year when her contract was not renewed, had complained to the then station manager about inappropriate comments that her manager made about her.
In email exchanges seen by the publication, Pearl’s male manager made sexual innuendos about the media personality. According to Modiadie, the last sexual remark he made was in an e-mail that other staff members were copied in. She responded that it made her feel uncomfortable and that she was tired of the sexual harassment.
“I kept quiet for too long until media picked it up and never have I been grateful for that because it finally gave me the courage to speak out about the sexual harassment I was was subjected to at Metro FM,” Pearl said.