Proud Parents! Thomas Gumede and Zola Nombona Celebrate Their Son’s First Birthday

Proud Parents! Thomas Gumede and Zola Nombona Celebrate Their Son’s First Birthday. It is a big deal when a child turns a year old, more so for first time parents That is why today the timeline is going abuzz with pictures and heartfelt messages for, Cebelihle. He is without a doubt one loved and blessed baby. How could he not be, he is after all the first born child of Thomas Gumede and Zola Nombona!
Cebelihle’s father Thomas, took to Instagram to pen a heartfelt message for him as he celebrates his first birthday. The award winning actor, TV personality, producer and comedian mentioned all of Cebelihle’s favorite activities in his shout out. Thomas also spoke about how his son has an impact in his life, labeling him as his pride, joy and strength among other things.
He also thanked his partner Zola for being such a loving mother to their son. Thomas also extended his appreciation to family, friends as well as strangers who ask about his son, when he runs into them.
“His favourite song is khuza gogo ?. He walks, he thinks he talks, he laughs and dances all day! He claps his hands and can say mama and baba (sometimes papa coz our wonderful nanny speaks Sesotho). He is my pride and joy. He makes me believe I can and must overcome every problem. He is my strength, and today he is 1 years old. Only God knows how long we have on this planet and I thank HIM everyday that I get to witness my son grow! Happy birthday mfana wami, ubaba ukuthanda ngendlela emangalisayo!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you @znombona for being such a loving mother, God bless you! Thank you to my family and friends who love and support him, thank you for those who ask about him, from strangers to people I see at the shops regularly,” Thomsa said.
Being a first time mother is not easy, but so far Zola has been doing such an amazing job. From her pictures on social media, one can tell that the talented actress always puts Cebelihle first. To celebrate her son’s 1 year birthday, Zola shared a couple of photos with a very beautiful caption written in Xhosa. She poured her heart out on how filled with joy she is, being his mother. Zola also assured Cebelihle the love that she has for him.