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Nay Maps Loses Both His Grandparents One Week Apart

Nay Maps Loses Both His Grandparents One Week Apart. Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences. But what more when death places its hand on those who you love in a short space of time! This is exactly the situation that Nay Maps finds himself in.

A week ago, the talented actor and businessman announced the sad news that he lost his grandfather. Nay Maps took to Instagram and wrote a heartfelt message to his grandfather about the life lessons he has passed down to him and that he was a true inspiration that will be dearly missed.

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A week later, on the same day at the same time, Nay lost his beloved grandmother. He remembers his grandmother for the beautiful encouraging words she used to say to him.

Thank you for always saying and reminding me to “Keep On Keeping On.”Your famous words to me.I thank God for your Life and teaching me how to Love… As painful as it is, one has been Blessed to have had you noMkhulu as I know not everyone has had that opportunity.My words to Everyone, LOVE THE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE, LOVE EVERYONE YOU CAN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. CARE FOR EVERYONE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. It goes a long way,” he said.

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