Here Is Why Rami Chune Called The Police On Her Neighbor

Here Is Why Rami Chune Called The Police On Her Neighbor. In these difficult times, we need to look out for each other as neighbors. Your next door neighbor should be the first person to assist if you are in trouble.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where your neighbor can be your worst enemy. Inspite of all that, when we suspect troubles ext door, we should do our utmost to assist. This is exactly what Rami Chuene recently did, after suspecting her neighbor could be abusing his kids.
The talented actress ad philanthropist ,called the police on her neighbor, who she alleged spent the whole morning beating his kids. Rami couldn’t take it no more, after the kids have been crying for what seemed like forever. She called the cops to come and investigate the matter.
“You can’t be beating your kids the whole morning. Ke neng bana ba lla! I heard the young boy say: ‘I’m sick and tired of you. One day I’m going to wake up and kill you,” Rami said.

According to Rami, some of her neighbors have also agreed that the man is well known for these kind of beatings on his kids. The polices left a warning for him at the security, and have promised to do a follow up.