Celeb News

Nicolette Mashile Celebrates Her Recent Academic Achievement

Nicolette Mashile Celebrates Her Recent Academic Achievement. We continue to draw inspiration from a lot of our celebs who are furthering their studies. Just this year we have had the likes of, Regina Nesengani, Criselda Kananda, Celeste Khumalo, Karabo Ntshweng and Proverb graduating with various qualifications.

The latest celebrity to share how well she has done academically is, Nicollette Mashile.Those who follow Nicoette on social media, know how passionate she is about financial literacy, and sharing her knowledge with fellow South Africans.The Daily Thetha presenter, actress and author, who has been doing an online course on National Credit Regulator Debt Counselling has passed with flying colors. She got 95%, and can now register as a Debt Counsellor  .

“Guys I passed, I can now register as a Debt Counsellor. Also can we recognize that I got 95%,” Nicolette shared her results.

Nicolette, has been teaching financial literacy within the South African context using her platform, Financial Bunny. Through being smart with her finances,Nicolette is now a millionaire with 5 investment properties in her portfolio.

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