All You Need To Know About The COVID Alert SA App

All You Need To Know About The COVID Alert SA App. Wednesday night, President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on South Africa’s response to the pandemic. Although, he eased some level 1 lockdown restrictions, Ramaphosa urged South Africans to still be vigilant as Covid-19 is still among us, and claiming lives daily. One way to protect ourselves, is to use the Covid Alert SA App.
Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, advised South Africans to install the app on their phones so as to fight the transmission of Covid-19. The COVID Alert SA is South Africa’s free exposure notification app, that lets people know when they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.The app can be used by everyone in South Africa who has a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone can access this app.
How Does The App Work?
When an app user anonymously reports to the app that they have COVID‑19, the COVID Alert SA app sends notifications to those devices that were in close contact with this person’s device. These exposure notifications warn those app users that they could potentially have been exposed to the virus. App users are guided as to what to do next to optimize their well being and prevent the spread of the COVID‑19 virus to others. At no stage does the app reveal the users’ identities.
Benefits of The App
- Understand your COVID‑19 exposure risk when you receive an exposure notification alert. That’s how you quickly know you’ve had contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID‑19.
- Are guided as to the next steps you should take. People who have been potentially exposed to COVID‑19 can choose to self-quarantine and; therefore, help to curb the further spread of the virus. COVID Alert SA also guides you to monitor your symptoms and access healthcare if you need it.
- Keep your loved ones and those in your wider community safe from COVID‑19 – particularly those who are considered to be in the high-risk category for severe illness if they contract COVID‑19 (such as those who live with chronic illness, who are immunocompromised, cancer survivors and people older than 60).
- Ultimately contribute to avoiding a resurgence of COVID‑19 in South Africa, protecting South Africa’s healthcare services and vulnerable people, and ending the pandemic.
Click HERE to learn more about the App.