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Watch! Itumeleng Khune and Tino Chinyani Take Their Babies For Swimming Lessons

Watch! Itumeleng Khune and Tino Chinyani Take Their Babies For Swimming Lessons. With so many drowning incidents in Summer, swimming lessons are a must have. Itumeleng Khune and Tino Chinyani are showing parents out there that its never too early for a child to start their lessons.

Heatwave has nothing on the proud dads, who took their young ones on some much needed swimming lessons. It is quite impressive that these young ones did exceptionally well from what looks like their first lessons. This is one skill they will forever be thankful that their loving parents shared with them.

Tino and Tiyani


Impressive new dad chronicles. Tino took Tiyani, on for his first lesson, and the father and son duo did very well. Tiyani who is only a few months old, is such a natural.

Itu And Amzag


Wow, one year old Amzah, is already a professional. Her dad, Itu, has been an involved dad from day one, hence she will grow to learn a lot of things and excel at them.

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