Proverb Shows Appreciation To DJ Fresh Who Gave Him A Radio Job Back In 2003 #TheBookOfProVerb

Proverb Shows Appreciation To DJ Fresh Who Gave Him A Radio Job Back In 2003. It is quite heartwarming when the people we have helped years ago come back to give appreciation. Such kinds of people are the likes of Proverb, who 17 years later, still remembers what DJ Fresh came through for him.
Through his memoir, The Book of Proverb, he shares lessons he’s learnt through the different phases of his life with infectious positivity. One of highlight of his career, was being given a break by veteran radio host, DJ Fresh. Proverb, recalls the time when Fresh employed him as a technical producer at YFM. The Big Dawg even wen to the extend of paying Proverb’s salary from his pocket.
Proverb recently gave DJ Fresh a courtesy call, to gift him his memoir, The Book of Proverb.
“2003 Big Dawg employed me as a technical producer at YFM. I was supposed to be at work 5am & I was late on my 1st day. Big Dawg said “My man, it happens once & never again” I’ve never been late for anything since.. Love & appreciate you Big Dawg @djfreshsa#TheBookOfProVerb,” he said.