Tips For First Year University Students

University can be a world on its own especially for a first year student because first you don’t know where you’re going (you don’t have any idea where your classes are) and you don’t know most of the people there. If you from high school then you go straight to varsity you’ll see that you’ll have to make life adjustments here and there. Being at university allows you to grow and be your own person, you’ll be independent, you need to make right decision, all-in-all you need to be responsible for yourself and take responsibility for your actions. Below are tips to help you
– If you’re changing provinces or towns to go to varsity its best to go month early. This will give you time to get to know the place, people and the route to get to university (if university is distance to where you live).
– Get to know other students in your class and gradually will become friends. Together you’ll experience varsity life so it won’t be bad and you’ll help each other with home-works and assignments.
– Try to remember the route you used to get to your classes by doing that you’ll get to the next class in time.
– Buy books in campus from second year students by doing that you save money plus you’ll get question papers and tips to go about that particular subject from them (students).
– Make notes in each class you attend and make sure you go through them when you get home so that you understand what belongs where while is still fresh in your memory.
– Make social networks work for you stay connected with other students on social platforms that you use e.g Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Whatsapp, Mxit and LinkedIn.
– Don’t change your true self for anyone or anything in this world. Embrace the change that you’re going through, it’s a part of growing up and being independent.
– Learn about different clubs or organizations around the campus so that when you’re ready to join you know what you committing yourself to, and make sure it doesn’t disturb your studies.
– Don’t over commit yourself in your first year because there’s a lot to take in and you may get over whelmed by everything, take one day at a time.
– Remember healthy body equals to healthy mind try by all means to eat healthy and excise it does apply even when you live in rez. Being healthy will keep you energized for all your studies.