Oskido Admits That His Girlfriend Beat Him Up

Sometimes, we’d hear of guys beating up girls, but rarely do we hear of a girl beating up a guy to the point that he had quite a set of injuries. Well, music mogul Oskido has revealed that his girlfriend knocked him out in his Midrand home after a heated argument broke out.
The girlfriend is said to have since been arrested, following the incident and was released on R1 000 bail.
Constable Matome Tlamela, spokesperson for the Midrand Police Station, confirmed the story and said:
“According to the charge sheet, he was in their bedroom when an argument erupted between them. It’s not clear what they were arguing about, but she assaulted him with a lamp.”
The news were reported on Monday morning, in Sunday World, which also reports that while he couldn’t be reached for comment, his girlfriend will be appearing in the Midrand Magistrate’s Court shortly.
The police are dealing with the matter and have told us how she knocked him out.