Check Out The Powerful Words of Affirmation That Sbahle Mzizi Lives By

Check Out The Powerful Words of Affirmation That Sbahle Mzizi Lives By. At her age, she is a force to be reckoned with. Sbahle Mzizi is only three years old, but she continues to inspire many through her social media videos. Form the videos, we have seen her show off her amazing personality and smart brain.
The young social media influencer and her mother, Ntando Duma, are always praised for the positivity they bring on social media. They say you can’t pour from an empty cup, and true to the saying, before inspiring others, little Sbahle uplifts herself first.
Recently her mother shared a video on Twitter which confirms just that. Sbahle is fully aware that her names carry such a powerful meaning. When translated to English, Sbahle means beautiful, and her other name, Lusakhanya, means means light.
Among the words of affirmation she lives by includes, beautiful, smart, light and leadership. As always, Sbahle left many in awe with her latest video. We can’t wait to learn a lot from this young leadership.