“Not All Of Us Are Strong Enough To Bring Our Experiences To the TL,” Samkelo Ndlovu On Sexual Harassment At Work

“Not All Of Us Are Strong Enough To Bring Our Experiences To the TL,” Samkelo Ndlovu On Sexual Harassment At Work. Just as expected, social media is abuzz, after Lithapo’s Lorraine Moropa opened up about her story of being sexually harassed on set. Many actresses have shared some of their heartbreaking experiences on social media.
Samkelo Ndlovu also joined in being a victim of sexual harassment on set. The talented actress was triggered after she saw many people address the issue today on social media. Like many women out there, Samkelo has not spoken about what she went through, more so in a public space. However, she fells somewhat conflicted because she feels it is her responsibility to show support to other women going through the same thing she went through.
“All this sexual harassment talk on the TL is so triggering to me. Not all of us are strong enough to bring our experiences to the TL. I have put them to rest. I’m conflicted coz there are women going through the same things and speaking out to support them is what I should do,” she said.

Lucky for Samkelo, she took a stand at the perpetrators and there were dealt with accordingly back then, “ I am lucky to be one of the few who have had those men dealt with accordingly. It was enough for me. I do not want to relive it.“