Kabelo Mabalane On The Future of Church After Covid-19

Kabelo Mabalane On The Future of Church After Covid-19. It goes without saying that the current pandemic has taken a lot of things to reset settings. For example, people do not gather around for major events like weddings, award ceremonies, funerals, and even church.
Although president Cyril Ramaphosa allowed church at level III lockdown, only a certain number can attend per service. Despite the arrangement, a lot of people have decided to stay away from church altogether, in order to stay as safe as possible. One Twitter user weighed in on the possibility that church might not be relevant post the pandemic.
“Since lockdown, Are we doing fine without church? Will church still be relevant once life goes back to normal? Can society function without it? #AreWeGoodWithoutChurch,” they asked.
Kabelo Mabalane who was officially sworn in as a pastor towards the end of 2019, said that the closing down of buildings doesn’t affect people worshiping. The former Kwaito star pointed out that they are still ministering to people.
“Hola! Church doors and physical building is closed but make no mistake and assume that the church’s function has gone on holiday. It’s business as usual full steam ahead. Needs are being met,the Gospel is preached and people are being ministered to.“

Some churches, mostly in urban areas and with a good financial record hold services over webinars. When one tweep argued that the less privileged are the ones affected, Kabelo answered that “……you don’t need hi tech equipment to BE the church.”