What Happens To Your Brain and Body When You Check Your Phone Before Bed

A lot of people struggle to sleep because maybe they are thinking about their problems and some suffer from insomnia. But recently most people can’t sleep or sleep very late because of smart phones. Have monitored how much time you spend on your phone when you say you are going to “bed” before you actually sleep? Maybe if you knew the effects the habit has on your brain and body you would be more cautious.
When you spend lots of time on your smart phone just before bed you are most likely to suffer from bad insomnia, because firstly there’s little time to rest. The reason why you struggle to sleep soon after switching off your phone is because the blue light on your smart phone mimics daylight, the brain recognizes it as daylight which means that the blue light fools our brains into thinking its still day light. Red or yellow lights are better because the brain picks it up as evening and sends the signal that it’s time to sleep.
This will result in many problems including lack of attention during the day, your natural ability is challenged, the insolent that helps regulate your metabolism is turned upside down which can result in weight gain and eating more, additionally it’s also toxic to the connections in your cells.
So instead of spending your last hour before bed on your smart phone, try to change your habit by reading a book, sitting in the dark or with deemed lights or maybe just engaging in conversation with your family. You will see the difference it makes on your body and brain.