Dept. Of Mineral Resources Bursary Opportunities

The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) wishes to offer fulltime bursaries for girl learners who have completed Grade 12 and who aim to further their studies in the following fields
* Mine Engineering field
* Mine Surveying
* Rock Blasting
* Mechanical Engineering
*Environmental Science
*Any other mining related field
The following requirements are eligible for consideration:
1. Must be a South African Citizen
2. Must come from a disadvantaged background (preference will be given to those from the rural areas.)
3. Obtain a Grade 12 certificate with a pass rate of 75% in Mathematics, 75% Physical Science and 60% in English.
4. Must be a girl learner
5. Attach certified copies of:
– South African identity document
– Grade 12 certificate
Closing date: 31 October 2015
Click here to download the application form