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Pics! Motsoaledi Setumo Takes Us Back To Her Primary School Days

Pics! Motsoaledi Setumo Takes Us Back To Her Primary School Days. One way to see how far you have come is to look back from where it all began. Also it gives us a chance to see all the changes we have been through, be it physical or just personal ones. That is why many social media users are always sharing their throwback pictures, to take us down memory lane and reminisce about the good old days.

Motsoaledi Setumo has just blessed us with one of her beautiful pictures from the past. The talented actress and radio personality hasn’t really changed that much from the time she was doing Grade 6 to now. What Motsoaledi wanted to show though was that she wasn’t born with the beauty spot (mole) which is next to her nose.  She revealed that it came when she was about 15 years old. How cool is that!

As people began sharing similar stories, Motsoaledi revealed that at first, she hated her beauty spot. This is because some people picked on her and made fun of her because of it. The great thing is that as time went by, Motsoaledi started appreciating her her beauty spot.

“Random, but I wasn’t born with my beauty spot. It appeared when I was 15, I think,” Motsoaledi said.

Before The Beauty Spot


After The Beauty Spot


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