10 Ways To Get Back On Your Feet After Disappointments

10 Ways To Get Back On Your Feet After Disappointments. “Don’t let today’s disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow’s dreams.” ~Unknown. You didn’t get the job you wanted. Somebody you love let you down. Whatever the circumstances, it didn’t turn out how you expected, and now you’re disappointed. It happens to the best of us, but worrying and being stressed out does not really help the situation that much. Read the following tips on how to deal with disappointments and go back to your old self.
1. Mourn
You experienced a loss, so it’s natural to mourn. Have a period where you feel sad about the situation, then pick yourself up. It might take time, but you must make a decision to move past the disappointment. Don’t run from it, rather face it and release it..
2. Get Some Perspective
Perhaps the person who you feel disappointed by doesn’t even realize they’ve done something to upset you. Maybe they’re stressed out and don’t have the emotional bandwidth to think about it because they aren’t allowing themselves time to experience their emotions. Giving yourself space to be as you are prepares you to allow the same to other people.
3. Know Your Own Heart
Disappointment can ripple through to the core of who you are. If you don’t know what your core values are, you may not have a framework to support you when you experience negative emotions. Keep an open heart and be ready to share love and kindness with others, irrespective of how they might behave..
4. Practice Acceptance
As human beings, even though we know that some things are bound to happen, we’re not always willing to accept them. You have to accept that you will continue to be disappointed, that it is a part of life, part of being human. You also have to accept that you will probably continue to struggle to accept this fact, at various points throughout the rest of your life!
5. Adjust Your Expectations
Misplaced hope ultimately leads to disappointment. Assessing that disappointment can be a starting point in readjusting our expectations about the things we want in life. It’s natural and normal to want things and to want to excel, but issues arise when we begin to believe our happiness is based on achieving that goal or being with that person.
6. Move On
Don’t wallow in your disappointment. Wallowing is not productive and can actually be harmful. Get your mind off your circuitousness and get active. Pick up a new hobby, visit friends or volunteer at an organization that inspires you. Reach beyond yourself and help somebody in need or help someone achieve their goals.
7. Learn From The Hurt
It can be so difficult trying to process a painful situation and then learn from it. But learning from the situation has a way of providing closure and helping us to move forward. Learning may take a very long time. Don’t rush this process, but be open to it.
8. Treatment
This includes taking care of yourself with things that revive your heart, soul, and mind. You want to refrain from those things that make life worse in the long-term, but good in the short-term. Examples include drug abuse, alcohol, reckless behavior, self-injurious behavior, overeating, etc. Treatment requires self-care, not self-destruction.
9. Talk To Someone
Usually when we’re going through a tough time or trauma, we tend to pull inward and push people away. Bad move. You have to get yourself off that merry-go-round of not-so-merry thoughts. “]When we’re by ourselves, we tend to wallow and obsess. Love does heal, so be around the people who love and support you.
10. Use The Hurt
Think of it as a kind of emotional adrenaline to make some changes in your life. A lot of people are afraid of change or anything new and unfamiliar, but when you’re going through a crisis, suddenly the new and unfamiliar doesn’t look as scary as the place you’re in, so you’re more open to change.