Linda Mtoba Thinking Twice About Sharing Her Joy On Social Media

Linda Mtoba Thinking Twice About Sharing Her Joy On Social Media. A newborn brings so much joy to parents, but for various reasons, celebrities often take time before sharing their babies’ faces on social media. A month ago Linda Mtoba decided it was now time for the world to see her baby girl.
Ever since then, Baby Bean has been the star of social media. She has definitely taken over Linda’s social media. When her celebrity mom posts her cute videos and photos, fans just go crazy. She is the most adorable baby.
Although it can be cute and all, we all know the dangers of social media, more so on young babies. Trolls can say the most hurtful things to an innocent child. On top of that there is so much going on in the world that people cant really celebrate their joys without feeling guilty.
All of this has made Linda think twice when it comes to sharing her joy with fans. The actress who is also a content creator says she is feeling very at odd about post anything positive on social media when the world is at such a dark place.
“I’m feeling very at odd about posting on social media when there’s so much going on im the world. I post Bean cause she lights up my lie & currently it’s full of darkness, it’s alil hard for me to just a share happy picture,” she said.