Tips To Help You Improve Your Grades

If you are continually seeing poor grade results despite being a reasonably intelligent person that does a fair amount of studying, it’s time to give your study habits a drastic makeover.
Effective study habits do not involve cramming all night before a big exam or a notebook only half full of notes when every page should be loaded with information.
Build good study habits in the beginning of the school year. This makes it feel easier to do work because you feel like it is somewhat of a routine that you’re used to. Study is an important part of being a good student. Read all your textbooks.
Don’t cheat. Cheating on a test is NOT part of being a good student, being a good student means keeping your eyes on your own test. Just do your best, and you’ll do well on the on the test. Some tests make up a lot of your grade.
Prioritize. You’ll need time and dedication to get those scores up. Quit procrastinating and do the work.
Talk to your teacher(s) about your grade. Ask if there is anything missing, or anything else you can do to improve it.
Obtain extra credit. This goes for regular assignments as well. If you must write at least 8 sentenced paragraphs, try writing 9 or 10. If you can add colour to an assignment, do so! Some teachers will give you at least 1 point extra credit.
Do not get distracted. Focus on improving your grade. Not to say that you cannot hang out with your friends, or go out anywhere until your grade improves, but make sure to focus. This means, if you have a paper to write for Friday, maybe get it all done on Monday or at least by Wednesday. Work first, play later.
Be responsible. This often means cleaning out your binders, throwing away what you don’t need and organizing. Try making a folder for each subject that you can put your assignments in. This way, you can easily keep track of your homework, what’s done and what’s not.
Work hard.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
See a campus counsellor for extra help if needed.
Talk to your teacher, they are there to help.
Stay calm, do not rush through things.
Show your teachers you’re really trying hard too.
It totally pays off if you work hard in school, not just because it’s for your education, but you will soon realize that education is the only thing nobody can steal away from you.
If it’s maths you are working on, try checking your answers in the back of the textbook. No, not cheating. Do the work, then check. If you see that you have an answer wrong, then go back and rework the problem until you get the right answer.
Never say you can’t do it
Love your work.
If your facts aren’t too good, at least make your work look nice. It might help your grade.
Understand concepts by reading which will form a base, and practice questions thoroughly and memorize areas of common mistakes. Improve consistently on your accuracy to achieve higher grades.