5 Precautions To Take When Posting Your Bundles Of Joy Online #BackToSchool

Sharing your child’s first day at school picture is not a crime. Parents get excited when their kids start school, or move up one grade, henceforth they share the news with the world. However, we need to ensure that we are not violating the rights of children or put them in danger.
1. Hide The School Bagde
In this day and age one can never be too careful about the kind of information they share out there. When posting your child’s picture in uniform make sure you hide the school badge. No stranger should know where your child schools.
2. Turn Off Location
Parents should turn off location before sharing their child’s pictures on social media. That way strangers won’t know where your child schools. If the location is on it is easy for preys to know the wherabouts of your child while you are at work, and we don’t want that.
3. Set Your Privacy Levels
Parents should know their social media site’s privacy practices and select specific audiences for each piece of information shared. When posting about a child’s behavioral struggles, parents may want to post anonymously.
Be Careful On The Kind Of Pictures You Share
Parents might want to consider avoiding posting pictures of their children when they are undressed or in any state of undress, or in bathing suits or scant attire.
Ask Permission From Parents
Being a relative and close friend doesn’t necessarily grant you permission to post a child. Kindly ask for appropriate informed consent from the parents, guardians or relevant social work bodies that are responsible for the care of the child.