10 Ways To Motivate Yourself Back At Work After A Long Holiday

10 Ways To Motivate Yourself Back At Work After A Long Holiday. Many people are now back at work after the festive holidays. Holidays well spent with friends and family, or even on your own is good for your well-being. One can get too tangled up with all the fun and food and forget about the fact that they have a job waiting for them. Try to do these 10 ways to help you get your motivation for back to work smoothly.
1. Start With The Smallest Tasks
While it’s tempting to dive right into massive projects, you need to give your brain a chance to warm up before hitting the gas. Our brains react positively to seeing progress on tasks no matter the size. Ordinary, incremental progress can increase people’s engagement in the work and their happiness during the workday.
2. Lessen The First-Day Back To Work Impact
On the day before your first day back to work, grab some groceries, unpack your things, and begin sorting out the emails left unopened while you were away. Sort the emails by sender or subject and not by date, to prioritize which emails you will need to open first the next day.
3. Clean Up Your Workspace
If you have done sorting out your emails the day before, you can proceed to sorting and arranging all the other things piled up or sitting on your desk, awaiting your attention. Go through mails and documents quickly but thoroughly, trashing all those unnecessary. A tidy workspace will help you clear your mind from taking your work as a burden, somehow will motivate you more at work.
4. Don’t Delay
All those emails and tasks that need priority, you act on first. Even when these tasks are more challenging than the rest, get them done as soon as possible to ease your workload. You might be surprised how light and positive you feel once those big unpleasant tasks are done. This also creates a positive surge of motivation to complete your to-do list.
5. Cut The Distraction
After your holiday break, you will need to cut yourself off from distractions such as the social media. True, it is a kind of de-stresser, but these can only hold you up. While time is running, you’re stuck on reminiscing your holiday memories. It will only cut your productivity and double the burden of your load.
6. Catch Up With Your Coworkers
While too many conversations can derail productivity, it’s important to schedule some face-to-face time with your team when you first get back. Use these conversations not only as an opportunity to get caught up, but also to see if priorities have shifted while you were away. Ask what’s most important for them right now and how you can best help now that you’re back.
7. Have Better Work Habits
One of the most undervalued benefits of taking time off is that it allows you to see your workday with fresh eyes. When you first come back to work, resist the urge to fall back into your old routine. We all build some bad work habits over time, and holidays give us a fantastic opportunity to improve them.
8. Dress For The Occasion
Have an outfit that makes you feel confident? Wear it for your first day at work. It may seem silly, but going back to work looking great can push your productivity through the roof as you’ll feel confident and motivated
9. Plan An Activity For The New Year
Breaks and get together with friends are some things everyone looks forward to, apart from extended holiday breaks. You can plan a small dinner or drinks with your friends and colleagues on a weekend or spend some time together during Valentine’s Day in February. Planned activities are known to have a positive effect on our work outlook.
10. Give Yourself A Necessary Break
Lastly, remember that it’s OK to feel a bit down on your first day back to work. Being productive at work is a marathon, not a sprint. A slow start is better than a pulled muscle in the first mile. Even a short 5-10 minute break to walk around the office can be enough to boost your motivation, spur new ideas, or refuel your depleted energy stores.