Celeb News

Dineo Langa Gushes Over Her Husband Solo’s Upcoming Gig

Dineo Langa Gushes Over Her Husband Solo’s Upcoming Gig. This is why they are the cutest celeb couple in SA. If there is anyone who has Solo’s back, it has to be his wife Dineo Langa.

The actress can’t hold her excitement as Solo‘s theatre concert dubbed Dreamers ABC’s nears. The rapper is set to deliver performances of his songs from the first album Dreams.A.Plenty, Dreams.B.Plenty and the latest one C.Plently Dreams.

“C’mooooooon baby!!! I’m so proud of you,” the actress gushed at her man’s upcoming gig. The concert is set to take place on in Joburg Theatre on the 17th and 18th of December 2019.

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