Advice Corner

10 Best Tips On How to Control Your Temper

We all get temper sometimes whether from annoyance or rage inside, it’s completely normal because it’s human emotion. But when it gets out of control to the point where it’s destructive to your relationships, your work and the overall quality of your life that’s when it becomes a problem. The worst is when you feel so helpless, you succumb to it and allow it to take control of your emotions.

So how do you deal with having a short temper? How do you not let it affect your life? Here is a  guide that will help you understand, learn how to deal and control your temper.

1.Self Awareness
Acknowledge that you have a problem, don’t be in denial about your condition, you can’t door change anything if you don’t believe it’s a problem. Think before you speak, don’t speak in the heat of an argument, it’s better to excuse yourself it doesn’t make you weak.

2. Self Control
Once you are calm, try explaining yourself to the person you feel wronged by or disrespected you, it doesn’t help to tell other people. Express yourself in a non confrontational way and try to listen to what they have to say to.

3. Don’t hold grudges
Always remember that if someone wrongs you, they probably forget the next minute and you are left holding on to that anger whilst they move on. For your sake forgive them even if they don’t say sorry because it will affect you more than it affects you.

4. Identify possible solutions
Instead of playing the blame game, try to come to an understanding or ways to deal with the situation. Focus on repairing rather than what’s already been done.

5.Use “I” statements
Instead of pointing fingers and trying to explain why you are right, which can only increase the tension, try to use yourself as the subject like “I didn’t like how you did this” rather than saying you didn’t do this or you don’t understand.

6. Use humor to release tension
Try to find the funny in the situation, being humorous can help you realize maybe the result you were expecting was unrealistic. Don’t be sarcastic though, others might get offended.

7. Relaxation Skills
Find some activity that you can do consistently to help you calm down. It can be something practical like deep breathing exercises or repeat calming phrases like, “take it easy”. You can also listen to your music with your headphones on.

8. Write down your thoughts
It also helps to take write down and write what makes you angry, all your triggers and learn how to avoid messy situations. Also take some time out and relax.

9. Consider the consequences
Always remind yourself of what’s at stake if you lose your temper. Ask yourself if it’s worth it or not, it’s not worth it if it’s someone you care for or if you can risk your job.

10. Know when to seek help
Knowing how to control your temper can be challenging for anyone, if you see it’s getting out of hand seek professional help or someone you trust before you do something you might regret for the rest of your life or hurt those you love.

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