
Top 10 Sites For Job Interview Preparation

Top 10 Sites For Job Interview Preparation. No matter how qualified or talented you are, any kind of interview must be prepared for. It is always better to cover all of your bases before going to war. If you are desperate enough to want this job, us the 10 sites below to be fully equipped.

1. AmbitionBox

AmbitionBox has so many articles focusing on the job market and the interview process. You can also find practice tests to help you prepare for an interview. Even if you are not lined up for an interview yet, the website is still recommended. You can be part of a great community and ask questions that concern you. A lot of companies are listed on this website as well, and you might just be lucky enough to find your potential employer there.

2. AceTheInterview

There are a lot of sites that help you strengthen hard skills: programming, accounting, finance, SQL, writing, math etc. There are few resources that help you verbalize those skills. Ace the Interview bridges that gap and gives you tools to write and talk about your industry’s concepts with the goal of improving your interview readiness

3. GeeksforGeeks

GeeksforGeeks has almost everything you need to prepare a coding interview. “Algo” sections have quite a few coding questions you can practice with. It’s worth to note that answers are provided by the website instead of some random people, so you don’t need to search for solutions.

4. Leetcode

Leetcode is one of the most popular websites for software engineer interviews for sure. The website provides a huge number of curated interview questions with the online judge, so you can submit solutions and check if they’re correct.

5. Gainlo

Gainlo is an online platform that allows people have mock interviews with employees from Google, Facebook, Linkedin and so on. The core concept of Gainlo is to provide exactly the same experience as real interviews except that people are free to fail and will get real feedback in the end.

6. Careercup

Careerup is another website that provides almost everything for interview preparation. The interview question section allows you filter coding questions by company, category and position. It’s a great place to practice coding questions from your target companies.

7. Coder Career Blog

This blog is like book! It contains a lot of interesting coding questions with detailed analysis and solutions. The author Harry He is an experienced engineer and interviewer. Most of the questions are manually selected from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc..

8. InterviewUp

InterviewUp is a new Web 2.0 job site with the idea of helping you prep for that next big interview by getting you ready by reading possible questions your interviewer will have for you. It helps by giving you an idea of what to expect before you go in an interview.

9. InterviewBest

InterviewBest is a company that provides advice for job seekers. They also provide a unique tool for preparing for and developing a presentation for a job interview. Users receive iBest briefing book, iBest interview presentation, and iBest follow-through letter.

10. Indiabix

India bix is an educational website, provides mostly multiple choice questions and solutions for them. The way they provide answers for the question is very good and understandable, content is great and covers mostly questions from engineering trades, aptitude and interview question.

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