The NFVF Calls for Emerging Filmmakers to Submit Proposals

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) are inviting emerging black filmmakers to submit proposals for consideration under the Emerging Black Filmmakers Transformation Fund (EBFTF).
Launched in 2014, the EBFTF provides financial, marketing and other related support to emerging black filmmakers. The fund has been designed for Black directors who have released fewer than five feature films.
The Emerging Black Filmmakers Transformation Fund (EBFTF) is aimed at developing and supporting local emerging black directors and producers by providing financial and other support. The IDC and NFVF expect that the Fund will create a sustainable South African film industry. It is a tailor made solution given the challenges that black filmmakers face. It will strengthen the local film production industry, ensuring that filmmakers and producers create compelling content for South African consumption.
Funding will be limited to six qualifying and viable feature films per annum over three years.
Black directors and producers are requested to submit proposals based on the following criteria:
Budget capped at R5,2 million (excluding marketing and company statutory costs)
Director and producer must be black South African citizens;
The films must be commercially viable;
The films must demonstrate economic and creative merit;
Films must be at the level of theatrical release;
Scripts must be at second draft;
Cast must be South African;
Compliance with the dti South African Emerging Black Filmmakers Incentive (Refer to dti website for detailed criteria)
Rights (All incl. film, merchandise etc.):
Emerging Black producer and black director – Both emerging producer and director must collectively own at least 75% of the film rights.
Where the producer is Black, but not emerging ( >5 feature films) – then the black director must own at least 50% of the film rights;
Where the producer is not Black – then the black director must own at least 75% of the film rights; and a young black producer must be mentored.
Information to be provided with the application must include:
Script – ( second Draft);
2 page Concept document outlining;
Target market
Log line
Directors Treatment;
CV (production team);
Please support with membership to keep it up and running.
Summary budget (Amounts to be spent at pre-production, production and post-production);
Declaration that the applicant owns the rights as per criteria above;
Declaration that the application complies with the dti criteria for the Emerging Black Filmmakers’ incentive;
Tax Clearance Certificate;
Production schedule;
Cashflow schedule;
Project information;
Location of principal photography
Jobs created- In the same format/details provided for the dti application;
Skills development and skills transfer plan
11. Details of the post production company and their experience;
Production company- experience and previous productions involved in; and
Chain of title documentation including script, music etc.
Interested parties are invited to send their applications VIA EMAIL to [email protected].
Late entries will not be considered.
Projects that do not meet the criteria will not be considered.
Projects that do not have developed scripts will not be considered.
Budgets that are above the fund amount of R5.2 million will not be considered.
Applications will close on Friday 15 July 2016.
Kindly email all queries to [email protected].