A Cause For Concern As 6000 Young Girls Across North West Villages Fall Pregnant
A Cause For Concern As 6000 Young Girls Across North West Villages Fall Pregnant. It is reported that six thousand girls in 24 villages in the North West province, are either pregnant or have given birth. Shockingly enough some of them are as young as 11 years old.
When a child is at that age, they are naive and easy to be taken advantage of. Older men prey on them, and they fall pregnant. Setlagole village at the Ratlou Local Municipality in the province has recorded a spike in statutory rapes.
Last week, the North West Childrens’ Parliament in Mahikeng, resolved to seek the National Assembly’s urgent intervention.
It is widely acknowledged that in South Africa HIV prevalence is remains very high, despite the success in saving lives through the provision of free treatment for people living with HIV and AIDS.