Simphiwe Ngema Mentions The Women She Looks Up To

Simphiwe Ngema Mentions The Women She Looks Up To. This Women’s Day, why not take a look at females who inspire you? Same way as Simphiwe Ngema, who has a list of local women she looks up to. The actress and singer mentions some of leading women in the industry as her inspiration.
The four ladies are Sindi Dlathu who has worked closely with Simphiwe as leading ladies in Muvhango. The two also happen to be very good friends. Basetsana Kumalo is also on the list. The media mogul has been consistent on her work over the years.
Connie Ferguson is a phenomenal woman both personally and professionally. No wonder she has made the list. Carol Bouwer is also a mover and shaker of the arts industry.
No one can create a list of inspirational women and omit their mother. That is why Simphiwe’s mom has her own special shout out. Happy Women’s Day to all the powerful women.