I’m Not A Rock, I’m A Person,” Mona Monyane On Being Judged For Still Mourning Her Daughter

I’m Not A Rock, I’m A Person,” Mona Monyane On Being Judged For Still Mourning Her Daughter. The pain of losing a child cuts deep, and no one should dictate how you mourn. Mona Monyane knows that pain very well as she lost her second born child just seven days after she was born.
Since last year Mona has been public about her pain. Sadly her talking about the sad experience makes some people feel some type of way. “The dying of my child and my continued mourning that seems to “inconvenience” people or make them feel “awkward” has taught me that most people don’t actually give a single damn,” the actress said.
One can’t completely forget a lost one, but talking about your grief is definitely one of the best steps to recovery.
It’s funny how we tell people to grief but want to chose how they should mourn. Mona is owning her power by dealing with the pain the way she finds fit for herself.” I will be weak, vulnerable and sensitive, I will cry, I will speak about my pain, I will no longer move on. I am not a rock, I am a person,” she said.