10 Effective Ways To Get Rid of Skin Blemishes

10 Effective Ways To Get Rid of Skin Blemishes. The face is the most important feature of most people. Blemishes, scars and acne are some of the things that many fight off their faces. It is not always easy though to find a remedy that works. The following tips might just e what you need to get that flawless skin.
1. Avoid Too Much Sun Exposure
Sun block is one of the most important measures to prevent acne as well as fade the related blemishes. Radiation from the sun not only irritates acne in some cases, but it can sunburn sensitive tissue associated with inflamed or healing pimples, causing discoloration and leading to long-term blemish marks
2. Apply Lemon Juice
The citric acid in lemons attacks the pigments in your skin responsible for a red or discolored blemish, evening it out. Lemon juice will make blemishes less noticeable, but it can also lighten your skin tone and make you susceptible to sun damage, so always wear sunscreen when you go out.
3. Apply Tomato Juice
Tomato juice also helps remove skin tan and blemishes with its vitamin C and antioxidants. Just take one small tomato to create a pulp and massage it into your face. Apply to the necessary area for 10 minutes before washing them off.
4. Use Honey To Improve Skin Health
Honey has emollient and humectant properties which means it’s great at keeping your skin in tip-top condition, nourishing your skin cells. With its antioxidants, it’ll also fade scars by replacing these cells with new, undamaged ones, removing free radicals from your skin. Apply raw honey to your blemishes for 15 minutes each day, rinsing off with warm water.
5. Use Aloe Vera
Aloe vera boasts skin rejuvenating and healing properties. It helps restore your skin’s natural glow and remove blemishes and scars by encouraging new skin cells to form. Cut open a fresh leaf to extract the gel from inside. Apply this to your skin and leave for at least 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
6. Make An Oatmeal Mask
Oatmeal is proven to cleanse and soothe the skin while also helping blemished or damaged areas with its antioxidant properties. Create your mask by using rose water and 2 tablespoons of uncooked oats to create a paste. Add a drop or two of lemon juice to help lighten your blemishes. Apply to your face liberally before leaving for 10-12 minutes and rinsing off with warm water.
7. Exfoliate With Yogurt Mask
Lactic acid is found in yogurt and this works as a blemish lightening agent and exfoliant. It also helps remove scars and blemishes and prevent future breakouts. To create your own mask, take 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and mix with another ingredient, this could be honey or turmeric Thicken with half a teaspoon of gram flour. Mix thoroughly and apply all over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
8. Nourish Skin With Shea Butter
Not only will shea butter work to nourish your skin but it’ll also help reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes with the vitamin A it contains. It also works to keep your skin looking smoother and younger. For best results, use shea butter every night, massaging it deep into the target areas so your skin completely absorbs it. Leave it on when you go to bed so it can absorb further and work its magic.
9. Drink Water, Not Alcohol
Keep your body, including its largest organ, your skin well hydrated and functioning optimally by frequently drinking water. If you fail to hydrate properly, you don’t just end up thirsty and with dry skin, too. Dry skin can also lead to breakouts. Avoid alcohol because it will dehydrate you further, contributing to any acne problem you’re struggling with.
10. Eat Healthy
An acne-fighting diet is a healthy diet. Eat a wholesome dinner full of fresh or lightly steamed vegetables. Make sure you’re getting 5 to 7 servings of vegetables a day. Avoid too much sugar, including both those found in sweets, processed foods and complex carbs like bread. Ideally you can cook for yourself at home to ensure that food preparation doesn’t use too much oil.