10 Ways To Find Your Purpose In Life

Ever felt like your life has a deeper meaning than what it is right now? Wanting to be part of something greater, the truth is we all have a purpose in life but very few are brave enough to pursue it. If you don’t feel fulfilled or happy with your life, it’s never too late to find what it is that makes you happy.
Making a change is never easy but step by step you can live that life you have always felt you were called to live and this is how you can discover your life purpose.
1. Evaluate your interests
Write down the things that make you happy, your thoughts, passions and joys. Go back to your childhood and discover what it you have always wanted out of life, because that’s your real purpose.
2. Why you want this
Your life’s purpose should ultimately make you a better person. Something that you look forward to day after day, a purpose doesn’t only benefit you; it’s about what difference or mark you would leave behind.
3. Step out of your comfort zone
The hardest thing about pursuing your dreams is to start. Having the courage to leave your comfortable situation to try something new that may seem to have no guaranteed success is the hardest part. But if you want to find your true purpose this step is necessary.
4. Ask your friends what your strength is
Some people might not know their true purpose in life. They just know they are not happy with their current situations but do not know what they are supposed to do. Your friends and family know you best; ask them what they see in you, your strength and what makes you a great friend to them.
5. Find people who inspire you
When you realize what it is you want out of life, find people who have done similar work and succeeded at it. . Learn and model what they do. We all need help to achieve our dreams.
6. Slay the inner dragons
The reality is that you will have fear of the unknown, which is normal. The worst fear is the one within you. Those voices that will say you are not good enough; you are crazy to think you deserve to have a purpose and all the negativity you can think of. When you are aware of these voices it’s easier to get rid of them or not listen to them.
7. Don’t think in absolute
Most people think a purpose is being focused on one thing that everything revolves around that thing. But our passions are sometimes about balancing all our different interests that fulfill different aspects of our lives. Realizing that your purpose can be made up of multiple facets can offer you more flexibility in settling that purpose.
8. Stop pleasing people
Even if your purpose is social related, trying to please everyone is likely to affect your overall purpose. The choices that you make should be solely yours not the people around you.
9. Building your golden thread
Let your creativity reign. Don’t be discouraged if the journey seems slow. If you’ve done the work then you are on your way to your life’s purpose. When it’s there, you’ll feel it deep down in your bones.
10. Avoid activities that distract from your purpose
It might be difficult at first to deny or remove yourself from situations that don’t serve your purpose but it is necessary to avoid the things go against your life’s purpose.