10 Signs You’re Extremely Addicted To Social Media

While Twitter and Facebook may seem less harmful that nicotine or alcohol, studies have shown that people with higher usage of social media sites may have lower levels of self-esteem a higher rate of depression..
But is there a point where the obsession with the modern phenomenon goes from harmless fun to an intrusion on your life?
If you’re guilty of any of the following then maybe it’s time for you to take a step back from social media…
1. It’s the first thing you do in the morning
Almost every social media addict will begin their daily routine by slowly and pointlessly scrolling through what we have missed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more during our eight hours of sleep.
Usually it’s not much, but that doesn’t deter us from staring into our phones.
2. You spend hours looking at nonsense
Procrastination is a social media addicts biggest weakness – we are the worst offenders.
Scrolling though endless Vines of cats being scared by their owners, swiping through your ex-girlfriend’s holiday pictures on Facebook from over a year ago – it doesn’t matter what we’re looking at, we’ll find a way to become enthralled.
3. And check in at every location
Do you ever get annoyed when every meal involves someone carrying out the obligatory Facebook check in? If not, then it’s you.
It’s OK to enjoy the occasional ‘check in’ when you’re on holiday or at an important function, but doing it every time you leave the house is a little excessive.
4. You take photos of literally everything
The crippling pressure of making sure you get the perfect photograph to post on your Instagram is something every social media addict knows too well.
Whether it’s a killer selfie or a beautiful holiday snap to rub your friends’ faces in, you need to get the right shot. It can be a painfully annoying process for everyone around you, but we don’t care.
5. You hear imaginary notifications
If you’re obsessed with social media then getting a notification can be exciting, but when you start to imagine them you definitely have a problem.
Many of us have experienced the imaginary phone vibration causing you to frantically check your phone for a notification that never came…seriously, this is a real thing.
6. Your friends only contact you via social media
Gone are the days of ignoring phone calls and text messages, because with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat there is no escape from being contacted – especially when you’re on these apps 24/7.
If your friends use these apps to get in touch with you, it’s because they know you’re most likely already on them, as usual.
7. And it takes over every activity
Ever put on your favourite TV show or film and then an hour later realise you’ve being staring at Twitter the entire time? Me too.
Anyone who can’t keep away from their phone knows that even the things you enjoy the most can’t fight the temptation of social media.
8. You closely monitor ‘likes’
Social media ‘likes’ mean a lot to the social media savvy. They’re a form of acceptance and after a while getting more and more likes can become quite the addiction.
To the selfie addict there’s no bigger achievement than going into double-figure likes on Instagram, and we’re not ashamed to admit it.
9. No WiFi is devastating.
Every now and again terrible things can happen, and for the social media generation there is no greater devastation than seeing the phrase ‘no WiFi’.
Not being able to scroll through never-ending timelines of our friends and family’s statuses is a terrifying concept, which is why entering a building which doesn’t offer free internet isn’t even an option.
10. Choosing the right status is torturous.
Much like deciding on the right selfie, choosing the right thing to say on a status or tweet can be extremely difficult.
Usually the average user’s casual-looking status will have gone through rigorous editing, multiple deletions and about 10 re-writes – it’s THAT big of a deal.