Shona Ferguson Mourns The Death Of His Father With A Touching Message

Shona Ferguson Mourns The Death Of His Father With A Touching Message. The Fergusons are without a doubt, a close knit family. Shona Ferguson proved that when he wrote a lengthy message paying tribute to his father Pastor Peter Harry Ferguson.
On his birthday, the actor and executive producer decided to remember his dad and the impact he has had in his life. “It’s my birthday today and it finally hit me that i will never hear you say “ Happy birthday Sho” again,” he began his message.
Shona appreciated the lesson he learnt from his father saying, “You called me “Dup” (Duplicate) growing up coz I looked so much like you. You taught me how to me a man. How to be there for my family. How to protect them & provide for them. You taught me to put GOD first, that JESUS CHRIST is LORD and SAVIOR.”
The coolest one is that his father officiated the ceremony when Shona and Connie renewed their vows , a moment that Shona will forever cherish. “I have never met anyone in my entire life that has faced the battles you had. Physically and otherwise. You always came out on top because you had no fear,” Shona continued.
What many don’t know is that the character of Jerry Maake is inspired by Shona’s late dad. The grieving son added, “I honestly don’t know how I am going to continue playing him. I am so heartbroken dad. I wish I could hear your voice one more time. I wish I could hear you tell me that it’s all going to be OK.” Condolence to the Fergusons during this trying time.
His wife Connie also shared a few words about her late father in law.