5 SA Celebrities You Didn’t Know Died Poor

Most people have one thing in mind when they hear the word celebrity and that is ‘you must have a lot of money’ . Celebrities too feed people that idea with all the most expensive things they purchase.
They do everything they can to live up to the society’s expectations of having it all. Most celebrities force to live that luxurious life even when zeros start to subside on their bank accounts.
Below is the list of late celebrities who passed on poor like they never made anything in their lifetime.
Brenda Fassie – A South African Afropop singer who was crowned as the The Queen Of African Pop. She died in 2004. She had a son Bongani who said he inherited a lot of money from his mother but see.s to be struggling financially. Brenda was a drug addict so that should explain why died broke and poor. After her long legal battle , her family paid out all the money she made during her career.
2. Senyaka Kekana – He was a kwaito that won the hearts of many South Africans, he died of pneumonia after spending two weeks in Hospital. He was so broke that his family had to ask for donations to pay for his funeral.
3. Baby Jakes Matlala – A South African boxer and junior flyweight who sadly died in 2013. During his career he put South Africa on a high flag and won numerous matches. It was a surprise that from all the money it was assumed he made on his career he died poor.
4.Ray Ntlokwana famously known as Velaphi for his hilarious character on one of South Africa’s 90’s shows “Velaphi”. He won a national award for his character. It was unfortunate that his career had him go broke and poor while he had 6 children. For his funeral, had to set up a bank account. He died in 2000.
5.Zayn Adam – A cape town singer who entertained many South Africans with his music. He died at 68 he was struggling with Heart problems. He died poor.
This should be a good example to most people that , even celebrities are humans and they can have financial issues. Blame it on the high life , but whatever the case , money is an issue for everyone.