Applications Open For The Thuthuka: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2020

Applications Open For The Thuthuka: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2020
About The Bursary Programme
1. This document is not in any way an agreement or commitment.
2. The bursaries are awarded annually as per the conditions of the agreement between the recipient and the Thuthuka Bursary Fund. Renewal is at the discretion of the fund.
3. Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the Thuthuka Bursary Fund and NSFAS.
4. The closing date for applications is 28th June 2019.
5. To be considered for the Thuthuka Bursary Fund, you are required to register & write the National Benchmark Test (NBT).
6. Your application will remain incomplete until we receive the letter of provisional acceptance to university, the final Grade 12 results and NBT results.
Important Information
1. The Thuthuka bursaries are only available for African and Coloured learners.
2. Only Students doing Pure Mathematics as a subject will be considered. NOT MATHS LITERACY OR TECHNICAL MATHS!
3. Applicants provisionally awarded bursaries will be notified in December.
4. The final confirmation on the awarding of the bursary will depend on the following:
a. Confirmation of your acceptance into the Thuthuka programme at a specific TBF University.
b. Attaining the required endorsement (Bachelors Pass) and points (i.e. M-Score) to study the degree leading to a CA (SA) qualification which has been designated for the TBF programme.
1. Certified copies of:
- Applicants’ ID
- Parents’ / Guardians’ ID
- Parents’ / Guardians’ salary advice or Affidavit if unemployed
- Final Grade 11 Results
- Final Grade 12 Results, if already completed Grade 12
- University provisional acceptance letter(to be sent as soon as received)
- Full academic transcript if already at University
- Proof of registration, if already at University
- Copies of ID documents of persons dependant on family income
2. A stamped letter from your school confirming registration as well as your subjects.
The Following Universities are the only universities working with Thuthuka:
- Nelson Mandela University (NMU) B Com Accounting (Course Code 40003)
- University of Johannesburg (UJ) Bachelor of Accounting (Course Code BCA012)
- University of Cape Town (UCT) B Com (Course Code CB023)
- University of Witwatersrand (WITS) B Acc Science (Course Code CB008)
- University of Fort Hare (UFH) B commerce in Accounting (Course Code 60001)
- University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN – Westville Campus) BCom Accounting (Course Code BCOA)
- University of the Free State (UFS – Bloemfontein Campus) Bachelor of Accounting (Course / Study Code 6319)
- University of Pretoria (UP) B Com Accounting Sciences (Course Code 07130042)
- Stellenbosch University (SU) B Com Accounting / B Rek (Course Code 3091001)
- North West University (NWU – Potch Campus) B Com CA (Course Code 500 155 E371P)
- Rhodes University (RU) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
Apply to at least 3 Universities.NB: One of these Universities must be the closest to your homeThuthuka Bursaries are only awarded to students who are accepted at these universities NB: All Bursaries are awarded in line with the criteria set by, and at the discretion of TBF and its partner Universities.No correspondence will be entered into.
How to Apply
Download Appliction Form. Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways, e-mail: [email protected]
Thuthuka Bursary Fund
Private Bag X32
(Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)
For any queries related to this bursary programme, please contact SAICA directly, Tel: 011 621 6600 and Email: [email protected]