Top 10 Signs That Prove You Are A Workaholic

Are you one of those people whose motto is to work, work and work more? Well, there’s nothing wrong with being passionate and dedicated to your work. You can’t be apologetic about that but every hardworking person should maintain a good working balance. This is the number one rule! No matter what the situation is, this could turn out bad for you. Being a workaholic is an addiction and it can leave you extremely exhausted.
So, if you have one of the following signs in your character, you need to seek help immediately.
1. You are the first one to arrive at work – It is true that the earliest bird does catch the biggest worm but in your case it’s different. You are obsessed about work that you arrive earlier before everyone and what’s worse is that you are the last to leave work.
2. You work during peak hours and off peak hours – You push yourself harder and you work overtime. Many of us believe that the best way to get more work done is to work more hours but reality is that we’re more productive when we build in intermittent periods of renewal during our day.
3. You work on lunch – This time is meant for you take a break and put some energy back into your body by eating lunch. You have a problem and you skip your lunch break. You can’t even distinguish the difference because you even have lunch on your desk while working. Not only is eating lunch at your desk a little disgusting, it could also be a serious sign of workaholism.
4. You go to work even when you are not feeling well- Instead of reporting sick and asking for an off day, you just feel guilty for doing that and would rather go to work knowing that your fever is high. You are a fighter and we get it but you need to take it easy and start taking care of yourself. If you don’t, you will end up putting your health at risk.
5. You are always checking your emails – Your mind is at constant working mode so even when you are at home after work or weekends, you constantly check your emails . Whether you are at a holiday it makes no difference. Avoid this addiction.
6. Your conversations are always about work – Whether it is some time out with friends or family, work is always on your mind. It’s that time for you to bond with the people close to you, but you want to talk about your ventures / business and work. A simple fun conversation with you just turns into paperwork and contracts. (Get the picture?).
7. Your mind is at work even when you are not – Nothing else runs through your mind but work, work, and work. It’s like you are obsessed and this is not good for you. You need to find a way to get out off that zone and find other interesting things that you could put your mind into.
8. You don’t do anything else besides work – You get very anxious and stressed when you are not working. You always prioritize work over other activities, hobbies, and/or exercise because of your work. Go out and enjoy outdoor activities.
9. You are a perfectionist – You can’t get satisfied with anything. Because you work hard, you want things to be perfect and you want to get the best results. It’s good to strive for better, but it’s bad if you don’t recognize achievements, both for your staff and yourself.
10. You are a working machine – You have been told by others to cut down on work without listening to them. At most times you think that they are trying to turn you away from your work. You are wrong! If you here someone say ‘you need to relax’ , then you need to know that you are a serious workaholic and you need to seek treatment.