
10 Tips On Getting Your Long-Term Partner To Propose

10 Tips On Getting Your Long-Term Partner To Propose. Many people dream of walking down the aisle with their dream partners. The only problem might be when the potential spouse shows no sign of wanting marriage. The following tips might help motivate them and eventually they will go down on one knee.

1. Be A Great Partner

Everyone wants a perfect marriage mate. That is why a lot of people take time to commit. Let your partner see that they need you in this life thing.Make them see that they are helpless without you and your advice. Be that shoulder to lean on during their trying times. Who knows, they might put a ring on it before you know it.

2. Hang Out With Married Couples

Spend holidays or go out occasionally with a few of your happily married friends. This is a great encouragement and motivation. Let your partner see how happy marital life can be. This will help them realize that they have nothing to fear, and that marriage is a beautiful union.

3. Give Them A Signal

There are loads of possible reasons why your significant other hasn’t proposed yet, and fear of rejection might be one of them. Eliminate this fear by giving a signal that you’re ready to get married. You can do this more subtly than saying: “I expect you on one knee by midnight of December 31.”

4. Let Them Know How You Feel

If you must, then tell your partner how you really feel. Tell them you’re really happy in the relationship and your life, but are afraid of the future because you have no idea what could happen. If they are smart, they will know it’s time for him to make a move.

5. Make Long Term Plans Together

This is one sign that you are in it forever. Talk about buying a house, a pet, or investing together. While this may not make him go on one knee, it’ll at least reveal his acceptance of seeing both of you as a couple for years and decades to come.

6. Be Straight Up With Them

Don’t hide your emotions or play with words. Tell it like it is. Let them know you feel like the relationship is not moving forward. No serious partner who really loves you would make you feel like you’re hanging by a thread all the time. And if they really love you, they won’t be upset to hear that.

7. Guilt-Trip

Does your boyfriend want you to be the only woman without a ring on your finger at work? At your family’s house during occasions? Doesn’t he know how embarrassing that is? Doesn’t he love you? Remember that time you cleaned up his vomit? And that other time you cleaned up his vomit?

8. Avoid Giving Ultimatums

As you guilt-trip your partner, avoid giving your partner ultimatums. It’ll never work. On the other hand, it might just backfire and force him to harden his stance on not getting married just yet. He can see these as threads or desperate motives on your part.

9. Don’t Frequently Talk About Your Dream Wedding

Avoid showing your partner wedding dresses, flowers or wedding cakes. The idea of marrying you might be appealing, but the specific logistics (and cost) of a wedding can be overwhelming to some people at first. It’s best to keep mum on your wedding dream and refrain from tagging your significant other in wedding inspiration Instagram posts.

10. Don’t Neglect Yourself

Don’t completely lose yourself in a relationship due to catering to your man’s every need. Don’t stop doing all the things that make you happy because you were so focused on making someone happy. When it comes to making your guy feel the urge to propose, he needs to know that you value yourself, you have goals and dreams of your own, and you have a life outside of him.

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