
6 Ways To Take Care Of Natural Dyed Hair

6 Ways To Take Care Of Natural Dyed Hair. Color-treated hair is more fragile than virgin hair and needs gentle products and added moisture.

1. Choose The Right Dyes

When you are coloring your hair, it is important to get a good dye and bleach so your hair does not get too damaged. If you are lifting color with bleach, ensure you get the right developer for your hair color. For instance, using a 40 volume developer for blonde hair can end up frying it. If your hair is light, to begin with, pick a 20 or 30 volume developer.

2. Wash Your Hair Less Often

This may sound less than ideal, but there really is no need to wash your hair more often than that. Not only does frequent washing fade color faster, but it can also cause your hair to dry out. Wear a shower cap whenever you take a shower without washing your hair. This will keep your hair dry and preserve its color.

3. Wash Your Hair With Cool To Lukewarm Water

Cold water would be the best, but you can use lukewarm water if you can’t take the cold. Do not use hot water, however. Not only will this cause your color to fade faster, but it will also leave your cuticle open, causing the color to fade.

4. Allow Your Hair To Dry Naturally Whenever Possible

If you must use a hairdryer, apply a heat protectant and focus the heat on the roots. If you have curly hair, consider drying your hair using the plopping method instead. This is where you plop your hair on top of your head and wrap a T-shirt or microfiber towel around it.

5. Condition Every Time You Shampoo Color-Treated Hair

When you do shampoo, be sure to condition your color-treated hair every time with a color-protecting conditioner. Conditioned hair will help your color look shinier and more even. Even if you have fine hair, condition the tips, which are the oldest hairs on your head and have the most damage. Start at your ears and work your way down to the ends.

6. Take Breaks From Bleaching Your Hair

The more you bleach or dye your hair, the more porous it will become, meaning it won’t hold onto dye very well. If you notice that your hair color is fading or that your hair is starting to look fried, it’s time to take a break. Let your hair grow out to its natural color

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