
Dept Of Environmental Affairs: Internship Programmes 2014

Dept Of Environmental Affairs: Internship Programmes 2014

Closing Date: 13 December 2013
Stipend: R4.5K
Duration: 12 Months

The DEA offers internship opportunities to unemployed SA graduate and post graduate students who have not been previously employed under any internship programme and who wish to apply in the fields listed below, which are in line with the departmental core business. Applicants are encouraged to use the categories outlined below to indicate their areas of interest.

Successful candidates will be required to sign an internship contract for the duration of one year.


Ref. No
Chemical Waste Management
intern (0001) ND in DBA and Development
intern (0002) ND in Environmental management / Science/ Law
intern (0003) Degree in Environmental Science / Management / equivalent
intern (0004) ND in Environmental management / Science/ Education
intern (0005) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Natural, Engineering or Environmental Sciences
intern (0006) Degree in Science / Ecotoxicology / Soil Science
Biodiversity and Conservation
intern (0007) Natural Science / Environmental Science / Management / Development Studies
intern (0008) Nature Conservation
intern (0009) BSc Zoology and Botany
intern (0010) BSc Environmental Science / Environmental Management
intern (0012) BSc Geology
intern (0013) BHCS Heritage and Cultural Studies / Cultural and Natural Resource Management
intern (0014) BSc (Postraduate qualication would be an advantage)
intern (0015) BSc Botany and BSc Zoology
intern (0016) Nature Conservation / Environmental Management / Science
Climate Change and Air Quality
intern (0017) Environmental Science Studies
intern (0019) Office Management and Technology
intern (0020) Environmental Science or Chemistry or Process Engineering
intern (0021) ND / Degree in Public Management / Administration / Tourism
intern (0022) ND / Degree in HRD / Management of Training
intern (0023) BTech in HRM
intern (0024) ND in Labour Relations / Btech in Labour Law
intern (0025) ND / Degree / Btech in Public Management / Youth Development / HRM / Transformation
intern (0026) ND / Degree in Social Work / Pschology
intern (0027) ND / Degree in Public Management / Administration / HRM
intern (0028) ND / Degree in Management Services / Work Study / any qualification related to Organisational Development
Legal Authorisation and Compliance Inspectorate
intern (0029) LLB
intern (0030) ND / Degree in Public Management
ND / Degree in Logistics Management
ND / Degree in Purchasing Management

Cape Town

Ocean and Coastal
intern (0030) Diploma / Degree in Admin / Management
intern (0031) Diploma / Degree in Communication / Journalism
intern (0032) MSc (Science)
intern (0033) Bachelor’s degree in logistics (Marine Logistics)
intern (0034) ND / Degree in Project Management
intern (0035) BSc Zoology / Biology
intern (0036) ND in Analytical Chemistry
intern (0037) BSc Hons (Coastal Environmental Research)
intern (0038) ND in Coastal / Estuarine Environment Research
intern (0039) BTech / BSc Hons Oceanography / Marine Science
intern (0040) ND / BTech / BSc Oceanography / Zoology / Nature Conservation
intern (0043) BSc / BSc Hons Zoology
intern (0044) BSc Physics / Oceanography / Remote Sensing
intern (0045) Btech / BSc / BSc Hons Zoology / Biological Oceanography / Marine Science
intern (0046) HRM / Public Management / Industrial Psychology
intern (0047) ND / Degree in Public Management
intern (0048) Btech in Environmental  Management / Btech / ND / Degree in Environmetal Science / BSc Environmental and Water Science
intern (0050) BSc / BSc Hons  / MSc Nature Conservation / Environmental Management
intern (0051) BCom Accounting / NS Accountancy
Environmental Programme
intern (0052) ND / Degree in Geography / Environmental Studies or GIS -Related field
intern (0053) Degree in Geography amd Environmental Studies or equivalent qualification in the Environmental Education Field
intern (0054) Degree in Environmental Management /  Conservation / Zoology / Entomology
intern (0055) ND in Safety Management or Environmental Health
intern (0056) ND in Nature Conservation / Forestry / Zoology
intern (0057) Degree in Social Sciences
intern (0058) Degree in Information Sciences / National Diploma in Information Sciences / Certificate in Archivals Studies
intern (0059) ND / Degree in Social Science and / or Development, Policy Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Economics, Environment
intern (0060) ND / Degree in IT
intern (0061) ND / Degree in Office Management and Technology / Business Administration / Management Assistant
intern (0063) ND / Degree in Contract Management / any legal / Law-related qualification
intern (0064) ND / Degree in Development Planning / Studies / Public Administration
intern (0065) ND / Degree in HRD / Training / Industrial Psychology


Please Note: Only South African youth between the ages of 18 and 35 can apply for these internships. South African youth with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

No faxed or e-email applications will be considered.

Correspondence will be limited to to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three months of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form (click to download). Applicants must state the field and reference number of the internship which they are applying for (from the above list) and must aatach a CV, certified copies of qualifications, academic transcripts (record) and ID. Failure to submit the required documents will result in the applcation not being considered. Applicants must indicate whether they are applying for the internship based in Pretoria or Cape Town.

Pretoria: Post to the Director-General, Department of Environmental Affairs, Private Bag X447, Pretoria 0001, or hand-deliver to: Room 106, First Floor , Fedsure Forum Building, cnr Pretorius and Lillian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria for attention: Employee Development.

Cape Town: Post to the Director-General, PO Box 52126, Cape Town 8002 or hand deliver to East Pier Building, VA Waterfront, Cape Town 8002 for attention: Skills Development.


Pretoria: Mr. Welcome Tshabalala, tel (012) 395-1831, Ms Phindani Maphete, tel. (012) 310 3288 or Mr. Steve Moloto, tel. (012) 310 -3073.

Cape Town: Mr. Nkosikhona Zuma, tel. (012) 819 2407 or Ms Nozuko Ndongeni, tel. (021) 819-2518.

Click here for more Internships



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