
10 Ways To Beat The Monday Blues

10 Ways To Beat The Monday Blues. Many wish that there was a day between Sunday and Monday. They drag their feet to work on Monday, because they have not had enough of the rest on the past two days. The truth of the matter is that Mondays are not as bad as you think. Having the right mindset will help you get through the day with ease.

1. Plan Your Monday Ahead

You sit down at your desk after the weekend and are overwhelmed by the number of tasks you have to accomplish for the week? It doesn’t have to be that way: get a head start and plan your Monday on Friday! How? First, by writing a general to-do list. Then assign the individual tasks to a specific day. You’ll see that the world looks a lot different when you are well-organized.

2. Be Positive

Start the week out with an attitude of gratitude. Take time to recognize and appreciate the things that you enjoy about work. This starts before you even get to work. To pump yourself up on your way in to work, try listening to your favorite songs. Think about the type of playlist you would create for a workout, and incorporate that same upbeat, high-energy music into your morning preparation or commute.

3. Get enough sleep and wake up early.

Go to bed a little early on Sunday night and be sure to get enough sleep so that you wake up feeling well-rested. If you’re only running on a couple of hours of sleep, it’s unlikely that you’re going to feel good about going anywhere when the alarm goes off Monday morning. waking up an extra 15 to 30 minutes early on Monday morning can actually make going back to the office easier.

4. Dress For Success

Dress up, perk up and show up ready to be positive and help others be positive. Be the light and energy that makes others have a better day. Show and share your spirit, charisma and vibe and make yourself magnetic. You’re able to be a source of positivity in the workplace, not only will you make your day more enjoyable, but you’ll also make the work environment better for those around you.

5. Have Fun At Work

Take it upon yourself to do things that you enjoy in the office on Monday. Maybe bring donuts for your colleagues or take a quick break to catch up with friend in the office. Sharing stories about the weekend with co-workers can be fun and also is a great way to strengthen your interoffice network.

6. Have A Post-work Plan

Your day shouldn’t just be about trudging through Monday to get it over with, but about looking forward to something. By making Monday a special day where you get to go out with friends, make your favorite dinner, or eat a bowl of popcorn and catch up on a TV show you recorded, the day doesn’t have to be all about getting up to go into the office.

7. Make Someone Else Happy

One of the best ways to cheer yourself up is to make someone else happy.Make a vow to do something nice for someone else as soon as you get to work on Monday. Doing nice things for other people definitely can lift the spirits, and in this case, it could actually help shift the overall mood in your office. Paying it forward can yield great results all around.

8. Keep Your Monday Schedule Light

Knowing that Mondays are traditionally busy days at the office, a good strategy is keep you Monday schedule as clear as possible. When you’re planning meetings ahead, try to schedule them for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This will help you to come into Monday with more ease from the weekend.

9. Be Thankful For Every Day

If you have a hard time thinking positively, then take a pen and a sheet of paper (on Sunday, for instance) and write down ten things you are thankful for in your life right now. You will see that there are bigger things (more worth your while thinking about) than worrying about Mondays.

10. Make Monday Your Favorite Day

What do you like about Mondays? Nothing? Then do something about it! Don’t just try to survive the first day of the week but look for something that will put a smile on your face in the evening. This can be a weekly meeting with friends, an episode of your favorite TV show or a massage. Try to find something to look forward to and make Monday your favorite day of the week!

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