
10 Tricky Interview Questions And How To Tackle Them

10 Tricky Interview Questions And How To Tackle Them. You might be up for an interview in the near future, but nervous when you think of all those tricky questions. Tough interview questions are supposed to challenge job candidates and make them think on their feet. The following tips will help you to prepare for tough interview questions and nail them as they come.

1. Tell Me About Yourself

This is your elevator pitch, your opportunity to succinctly reference your academic qualifications and how you gained your skills/experience related to the role you are applying for.

2. What Do You Know About This Company?

Make sure you’ve done your research and looked at their website and/or asked people who work there about the company, what it stands for, the culture and why they like working there

3. How Would You Add Value To Our Company?

Think about the role you are applying for and match your skills, experience and qualifications to show you have what they want. Go the extra mile and add how you were proactive at Uni or at your previous jobs in organizing or leading initiatives to bring people together for charity or other activities.

4. What If You Work Here For Years And Don’t Get Promoted?

Tell them you consider yourself ambitious, but also practical. As long as you continue to learn and grow within your position,you will be a happy camper. Different companies promote people at different rates, and you are pretty confident that working for them will keep you motivated and mentally stimulated for several years to come.

5. Give An Example Of When You Had To Solve A Problem At Work

You’ll have lots of these. Think of relevant problems that relate to the position you are applying for so you can show how you’ve overcome or handled the situation.

6. Your Resume Shows You Were Fired Twice. How Did You Feel?

Open up that after you recuperated from the shock both times, it made you feel stronger. It’s true that you were fired twice, but you managed to bounce back both times and land jobs that gave you more responsibility, paid you more money, and were at better firms.

7. What Is Your Biggest Achievement In Life?

I’m sure you’ve had many of these too. Pick out sporting, academic, voluntary, charitable or travel related example.

8. Tell Me 3 Main Weaknesses You Have

Everyone hates this question and it could be asked in a different way to elicit your weaknesses. Always turn your weakness into a positive. For example: Public speaking is a weakness, however I have joined Toast Masters, a Debating team or speak at a Networking group which has improved my confidence.

9. Describe Your Dream Job

Tell them that this is your dream job and that’s why you approached them about it in the first place. Express your excitement about the prospect of helping their organization.

10. Why Should We Hire You?

Avoid the obvious answer – because I’m the best person for the job. Reiterate the skills, experience and/or academic qualifications you have and how you will add value to the company. Include your interest in the industry and based on your research you share the same work ethic and believe in the product/service.

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