
10 Things You Didn’t Know About OkMalumKoolKat

What do you get when you put together in one place, an uncle with dope rhymes and so much swag? Entertainment at it’s best, isn’t it? Multi-talented Johannesburg artist Smiso Zwane, also-known-as OkMalumKoolKat he has emerged in the past five years as one of South Africa’s most singular voices. At 30 years, Smiso juggles being a designer, DJ, producer, MC and father.

Let’s get to know Future Mfana more by reading these following 10 facts……….


1. OkMalumKoolKat ofetn slips into his other character called Dj Zharp Zharp.

2. He grew up in Durban, and later moved to Johannesburg.

3. He started his rapping career at the age of 24 after hearing DJ Shadow’s seminal debut album, Endtroducing.

4. He drew lyrical influence from prominent Hip – Hop pioneers like Madlib and MF Doom

5. The first song he wrote was a track for the character OkMalumKoolKat, basically introducing himself.

6. He has many alter egos.  There’s International Pantsula, who’s this guy flying around the world, experimenting with global concepts and styles. I’ve got Dr. Kataza who’s this kinda “kill everything” total destruction-like character. Then there’s Future Mfana, who’s this futuristic guy with Saber Zulu fighting sticks -almost like an Afro-Science Fiction character.

7. He is part of an electronic group called Dirty Paraffin. It’s a duo —it’s him and Dokta SpiZee. He does the music production mainly. He mainly does the writing of the songs.

8. OkMalumKoolKat used to work two jobs when he came to Jo’burg.

9. Smizo Zwane switches identities on a daily basis.

10. Future Mfana is currently busy with his European tour and will be performing there until the 12 of December. 


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