
10 Reasons Being Single Is Not Bad After All

10 Reasons Being Single Is Not Bad After All. In this cold weather, everyone dreams of having someone to cuddle with. When we see couples strolling down the streets all loved up, we also want the same. Having noted that though, relationships come with their own stresses and demands. Some people have opted for single life and here is why.

1. You Work On Yourself

If you want a healthy partnership, it’s worth your while to sort out your own issues before entering a relationship. It might sound cheesy, but the whole “you have to love yourself before someone else can love you” cliché is pretty accurate. Choosing to stay single until you’re happy on your own shows real maturity, and will lead you to a stronger, healthier relationship down the road.

2. You Get To Know Yourself

It can be really helpful to take some time to be single and really get to know yourself as an individual instead of one-half of a couple. It doesn’t matter whether you use the time to build relationships with friends and family, explore new hobbies, or travel the world, being single and working on your relationship with yourself will really help you grow.

3. You Can Travel On A Whim

How do you think a romantic partner would react if you woke up and decided to move overseas, go backpacking through mountains in Iceland, or take a cruise to a tropical destination? They probably wouldn’t be happy if you didn’t include them in that decision (and rightfully so!). Single people, however, have the freedom to travel without hesitation.

4. You Can Save Tons Of Time

It’s fun to send flirty texts back and forth, but can you imagine how much time the typical couple spends on their phones? A lot of people get anxious without constant communication, so those texts and phone calls might add up to a loss of several hours per day. Of course, you could just choose a partner who is more independent, but finding such a creature could be a difficult task. If you would rather invest your time in a more productive fashion, then single hood might be for you.

5. You Enjoy Your Own Space

Cuddling with someone every single night sounds fun in theory, but when you’re dating a blanket-snatcher or a chronic snorer, you’ll wistfully reminisce on your single days. On its own, being able to sleep however you want may not be enough of a reason to purposely stay single, but having all that room to stretch out in bed is certainly an underrated perk of being partner-less.

6. You Are Accountable To Yourself

One of the hardest things about being in a relationship is adjusting to the fact that you have to take your partner into account when you make decisions . Your choices and actions can affect not only you, but your partner, too. If you’d prefer to only be accountable to yourself, that’s a sign you might be happier staying single for the time being.

7. You Manage Your Own Money

Although not every long-term couple chooses to combine their finances, if you’re hesitant to enter a serious relationship because you want to keep your money management totally to yourself, that’s OK. If you’re a serious couple, you’d most likely eventually take on each other’s debts and expenses, which not everyone wants to do.

8. You Have Your Freedom

Granted, you can be in a relationship and still be independent and have the freedom to do your own thing. But if you’re the type who needs total independence and you want to do whatever you please, whenever you please then the single life might better suit you.

9. You Know Your Worth

Whether you desperately want a relationship, feel indifferent about finding a partner, or are totally opposed to being tied down, there’s no one approach to romance that’s better than any other. Your worth isn’t defined by your relationship status, so it doesn’t matter if you’re single, dating, or taken as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.

10. You Wont Get Hurt

Relationships have the potential to bring us lots of love and happiness, but when you open up emotionally to someone, it also opens the door to be hurt or betrayed by your partner one day. If you can’t stand the thought of being cheated on or lied to, it might be better to remain single until you’re ready for the emotional vulnerability relationships require.

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